Now thats its November and we can finally mention the “C” word, a lot of our clients have been asking us how to get the most out of their training so that they can feel their best in time for the silly season. With party season fast approaching and colder weather tempting us to stay snuggled up inside, it’s all too easy to fall off the wagon, so we’ve come up with some of our favourite tips for staying on track while still having fun during the festivities.
Book your classes in advance
Set your goals for the week by scheduling time for you to move your body. We get it, its cold, your tired but committing to an appointment at a time you know you can make it in advance makes it a little easier to get up and go.
Pack your bag the night before
Coming straight from work or working out right before work? Pack what you need for class the night before. The go-getter, night-before version of you will hold sleepy, next morning you accountable.
Don’t feel guilty
At the end of the day, we call it the silly season because it is a time for fun and silliness, so enjoy it! We know all too well how overindulgence and lack of routine can leave us feeling worse for wear once the fun is over. Why not have your cake and eat it too? Go out and enjoy the festivities, but try to keep just a few hours a week for you and your body so that getting back into your normal routine isn’t as difficult in the aftermath (plus you’ll feel even better heading into 2019!)
Its never too late!
Maybe the year ran away on you and you had intended on making this year your year to focus on health and fitness but it didn’t quite happen? Instead of waiting until January and then facing burnout by February, make the change now and finish 2018 on a high note. We’re currently offering 7 reformer classes to use over 30 days for €99. Why not grab it and start your pilates journey now?
At Elite Pilates, we believe that pilates is for every Body and we’re on a mission to spread our passion for pilates across cork with our award winning studios in Carrigtwohill, Donnybrook & The Kingsley Hotel. Elite Pilates is Cork’s premier pilates brand specialising in reformer, barre and mat pilates. We understand that time is precious, which is why we operate a flexible timetable 7 days per week so that you can keep up your training at a time that suits you.